Master Your Inner Power

Debbie Butler
3 min readApr 10, 2021

Why You Need To Master Power Master your inner power to be in your prime when you leave your body behind, not in a state of fear or apology. Most people develop and gain fear as they go through life. Yet life is a race and the goal is death. This may not be a pleasant truth, but the truth it is. We do not go to our end as a victim when we have run a good race. To run a good race we need to have lived a good life, not being hidden from life by avoiding uncomfortable sensations thoughts and emotions. Only understanding will help you to run a good race.
We can only run a good race by encountering obstacles and overcoming them. That’s why life is more suited to the successful. They grasp life and take from it. Those who are not successful can find many reasons for their lack of attainment. It’s always something or somebody else’s fault. Being a victim is an excellent way of avoiding the work required to understand. What is Success? Success, as mentioned here, is not the same for everyone. Some want to be rich, famous, powerful and admired. Others see success in other ways, by being generous, kind, loving and compassionate. Yet it’s all the same thing, ambition.
So how do we understand ambition? When ambition diminishes our lives and reduces our power we feel helpless and are overcome by lack of understanding. How do we understand power and as such use it to our own advantage? Even if we believe we want to use it to the advantage of others, it’s still an advantage, and that is primary in this work. Understanding to gain advantage over the sleep and passivity of life, helplessness and depression. Working for personal sovereignty is important, no, it is essential. It is far more comfortable to sit in self-pity and misery than face the truth and become powerful. So, doing this work is majoring in power in order to win the race called life. Power is attained through understanding, not change.
Understanding is a one-trick pony, because understanding is the only pony to ride to attain freedom from the burdens that hold you back. Master Inner Power for Peace We are here to become masters of ‘life,’ not of woo woo, spirit or souls, but to master ‘life’ as it is given or lived. What was before and what may be after is of no concern to the human being. In fact, it is an offense to ‘God’ to even go there. We are given life to master it. Which we do through understanding.
Understanding is dangerous as it destroys all the false paper castles we have built to sustain us and keep us from the fear of reality. But — what if our goal became to see the truth in all its ugliness and not get devoured by the suffering and the injustice of it all, but to live our ultimate life so that we will be successful in our own undertakings. This work gives you the power to do just that. You want to be a world leader? — you can! Just be aware that through understanding, you will see it for the fake that it is.
When you understand pleasure and pain, you will understand what your life needs to be to maximize your pleasure and minimize your pain. Should you change? — No! Because the understanding itself will transform things around you as you become more ‘you’ without self-rejection or self-deception. You will see things exactly as they are, you will understand other people’s motives, your own motives, how and why things are as they are, but most of all, you will gain inner peace.



Debbie Butler

Deborah is a psychologist who uses philosophers such as Gurdjieff, Spinoza, and Schopenhauer, Zen, and the Stoics in her approach to healing.